Unexport joins International Women’s Day

 In Unexport, Unexport

March 8th is International Women’s Day and commemorates the struggle for women’s participation in society and their full development as equal persons.

At Unexport we support their cause and work every day for equality. To this end, our company has a protocol to prevent and eradicate situations constituting harassment in all its forms: workplace, cyber-bullying, sexual, gender-based or any other condition within Unexport and its environment.

We also have a code of ethics that sets out the principles, criteria and rules of conduct by which Unexport employees must abide in the development of their professional activities. They are therefore a basic pillar of the organisation’s compliance programme that promotes and reflects a positive corporate culture. One of the principles underlying it is respect for people. We are committed to a working environment free of any kind of violence and/or harassment, prohibiting any kind of discrimination, intimidation and offensive or improper conduct, disrespect or any kind of physical or verbal aggression in professional relationships.

Another principle included in our code of ethics is that of equality and non-discrimination. Our commitment is based on promoting equal opportunities in access to work and professional promotion, avoiding at all times situations of discrimination or inequality based on gender, race, social or sexual status, marital status, religion, trade union membership or any other circumstance.

We also have a complaints channel available. This is a communication channel for receiving complaints related to breaches of legislation and/or practices contrary to Unexport’s principles of action.

We will continue to fight for equality between men and women and to support their cause from Unexport.