Situation of the logistics and the protests of the “yellow vests”.

 In Unexport

Around 5,000 spanish trucks are blocked on the French roads and on the borders of the countries bordering France due to the protests of the ‘yellow vests’. Several communication media, among which are La Verdad and La Opinión, affirm that the queues at the border crossing of La Junquera reach between 17 and 14 kilometers.

“The situation in the border crossing of the AP-8 in Biriatou (Basque Country) has also been very complicated throughout the day, although at noon the retentions were about two kilometers compared to ten in the first hour of the tomorrow. “according to the ABC newspaper.

Both the French and Spanish authorities are working to avoid the most conflictive steps, but this has not prevented the long retentions for the moment.

The Regional Federation of Business Organizations of Transport (Froet) and the Spanish Confederation of Transport of Goods (CETM) estimate that the collapse of international heavy vehicles reaches a turnover loss for the sector of about 15 million euros per day.

All our logistics team continues the procedures to try to act as quickly as possible, attending to all orders from our international clients with foresight and diligence.