Bimi, the sweet superbroccoli

 In #Naturally recipes, Campaign, Integral Services, Superfood

It is time to talk about the superfood, Bimi® broccoli, a vegetable from the Brassica oleracea family that emerged in the 90’s in Japan from the natural cross between broccoli and Chinese cabbage, and that today we produce in the Region of Murcia.

Why can we talk about a superfood?

According to various studies(1) in which the properties of broccoli and Bimi® are compared, it  highlights the high levels of protein, fiber and minerals in Bimi®.

Like the rest of the cruciferous family, Bimi® has fiber, potassium, vitamins B and C, phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions, calcium, magnesium, plant compounds that act as prebiotics, feeding the intestinal flora , proteins …

In addition, it is rich in substances with anticancer effects, such as glucosinolates and isoticianates, capable of acting as powerful weapons against cardiovascular, neurodegenerative diseases or cancer.

What makes bimi different from broccoli?

In addition to its nutritional properties, Bimi® stands out for other characteristics that make it a superfood:

  • It’s taste. Sweeter and smoother, it allows a greater acceptance among consumers.
  • It lasts longer when packaged and in the refrigerator without spoiling and preserving its properties. In addition, the cooking time is less.
  • With a stem similar to that of asparagus, it makes it excellent to consume raw or cooked, allowing you to take advantage of its crisp and delicious whole flavor.

How to cook it?

Finally, to cook it you will only need imagination, its flavor allows you to combine this vegetable with almost any food, sautéed, raw, steamed, grilled … as a garnish, accompanying pasta and rice, in salads, creams, scrambled eggs …

And you, have you tried it yet? What is your preferred way of cooking it?

